Friday, April 4, 2014

Are you married?

I was caught up in a lighthearted and fun moment with some teenagers. Strangers to me that were filling an order for food I had made.
In the moment I responded in an over exaggerated "Mother" tone that brought smiles and laughter. One of the young men asked me, "Are you married?"
For a fraction of a moment, my whole world stopped but my brain kicked into overdrive.
I wanted to say, "Yes" after all, my head and heart are still married even if I'm not physically.
I didn't want to say "no" since I thought I would need to offer explanation and that would throw water on the moment we all seemed to be enjoying. I would be walking out of the building and I didn't want lingering  unease for the person that asked.
How do I answer?! how do I answer?!
So I did the only logical thing I could think of,
I answered with "It might just be your lucky night."
We all just belly laughed as the young person blushed.
I paid my bill and walked out.
Although the moment wasn't broken, the question lingered in my mind.
"Are you married?"
This time the question offered in the moment wasn't really an actual question.
But what about the time it will be?
How do I answer...

How do I answer?

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