Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Mush Brain

It's just 3 weeks since my husband died.
3 weeks where every day has felt like an eternity yet they have come and gone so quickly according to the calendar.
The slow motion continues, the "mush brain" is becoming annoying.
I can't concentrate for long but I can tell it is improving. Progress.
Some times I feel like I'm watching a show where the picture and words are out of sync.
Sometimes I'm doing something that feels like the motion and emotion are too.
I can still only do one thing at a time before emotional exhaustion takes over.
I've been told to stay busy, to take it slow, get out and do something, go somewhere, sleep, eat.
My head feels like a pin ball machine with the concerned advise of others and how others have managed but my mind has a wall up and chooses to do it's own thing.
Whatever the moment requires, that's what I do.
Apparently the moments all include food though. I seem to have no issues with that.

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