Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Prayers and Rainbows

Spending lots of time in prayer while I was chopping out the ice on the driveway when I took a break for a minute.

In the distance I could see clearing blue skies. Above me was still overcast but thinning out yet much of the sun's glare was blocked.
I turned my face in it's direction to catch some warmth and watched as it became brighter, thanking the Lord for the warmed day, the health to chop, the shovel I had, the warm boots and gloves.

I prayed for family and friends going through difficult times. We all need some peace.
I noticed the trail from an aircraft seemed to cross through the sun and then, I saw it, a very faint rainbow around the sun!

I even took my sunglasses off to be sure it just wasn't a sunglasses vision.
I had to block the sun from my eyes by now. but the rainbow ring was still there growing fainter by the second. I put my sunglasses back on and watched as it disappeared.
I have never seen a rainbow ring before! It was beautiful and very peaceful.

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